There is an opinion that rock is allegedly exclusively a product of bourgeois culture. Meanwhile, bourgeois culture and rock music are two different things. It is within the framework of rock that progressive, democratic tendencies are constantly fighting against various commercial stereotypes and simply those ugly phenomena that the organizers of musical and cultural sabotage are trying to use as a weapon in the struggle for the minds and souls of young people. By the way, rock music can be viewed from different perspectives: aesthetic, musicological, art criticism, etc.
Rarely what genres are not overgrown with myths and legends. However, for some reason, it is rock music and its components that most often act as a target for strange remarks. Among the most common myths about rock are the following:
- Rock calls for Satanism, violence, Nazism, aggression, etc. The idea, of course, is fascinating. Still, if you look at the texts of foreign performers, then Satanism and horrors are mentioned in them as exceptionally rare and even a joke. Suppose someone disagrees and foreign musicians are not an authority. In that case, you can turn to the songs of Kipelov or Aria, especially considering how much the work of foreign and domestic rockers coincides. There are also those among rock bands who preach the cult of power or sing about perversions, but these are negligible, and they are lost against the general background. On the other hand, rock usually talks about love, mysticism, philosophy, social problems, etc.
- A cultured person won’t listen to rock. This statement seriously makes you think about this person’s cultural level. An educated person should know about rock music, even if he is not a fan of it, just for general development. Generally, it is difficult to understand people who do not understand the issue but a judge.
- Rock music performers are drug addicts and alcoholics, gamers, gamblers, etc. Firstly, under the influence of drugs, people lose their ability to work, so they can hardly write, let alone sing. Secondly, even if the performers once had problems with alcohol and drugs, most have long since safely gotten rid of them, and some have never touched such a thing.
- Rock music fans are hooligans and aggressors. In fact, after rock concerts, there are much fewer violations of public order than after football matches. Even in regular discos, people get into fights more often.
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The Popularity of Rock Music Today
The popularity of rock music plays a very important role in the development of this musical direction as a whole. If rock were not so popular, then such music would hardly be playing in our headphones, music centers, or the speakers of our favorite car or computer. Many people like to listen to rock, although they do not consider themselves rock lovers for some reason. It’s just that some compositions cannot be ignored. In general, I will not torment but immediately begin to say why rock is so popular.
The Internet is a great place to find free and popular rock music. You can find the music you need, listen to it on your computer, or download it for listening on your tablet, player, or smartphone. In addition, you can find and download free rock music in almost any format on the internet. You can even find very rare music tracks that are hard to find in stores.
So the Internet perfectly affects the popularity of rock music and other music in general. We no longer have to buy expensive albums in stores to get acquainted with the work of some artists. The Internet has opened doors for us to all corners of the earth and introduced new hobbies like gaming, podcasting, playing at the best bitcoin casinos, or listening to music anytime.
Thus, the texts and music of rock complicate the performer’s image, uniting the character of a musical work and a natural performer into one whole, thereby forming a mythologized hero in public opinion. It is pretty challenging to recognize the “layer of the author,” which is to some extent guessed through the content and form of any work of art in rock music. The author’s position is manifested in the author’s unique attitude to the fate of the characters, in an individual style, and a deliberate interpretation of images. And a study of the work of popular rock music performers, particularly the Beatles, suggests that, for the most part, rock musicians play not for the public but self-expression. They do not hope to get the fame and glory that will follow if they are known not as “stars” but as real authors.