Music is a culture; in fact, some say it’s life! In this modern-day, almost every aspect of life is spiced with music. In times past, concerts were avenues to enjoy music from favourite artists. With the emergence of technology, one might expect streaming platforms & virtual music events, and music videos to replace the yearning for concerts. However, the opposite is the case. In fact, music lovers travel thousands of miles and spend good money to attend concerts around the world. If you have been attending concerts, have you ever wondered what you could do to get the best experience? If you haven’t attended one before, what can you do to enjoy concerts to the fullest? Let’s examine some tips to help you enjoy the concert without disturbances and have a memorable experience you’ll want to share at every opportunity.

Plan with Friends

One of the most interesting ways to enjoy a music concert is to go with your friends. Before you purchase your tickets or decide to attend, ask your friends to come along. Attending a music concert as a group increases your chance of having fun. You will have people around to sing along with and make memories. However, there is more to that. Attending with friends also keeps you safe. You’ll be safer when you attend as a group, and everyone stays close. Apart from safety, you have more fun and feel more comfortable. For one, you may need someone to take lovely pictures of you. Why look for a stranger when a friend will patiently take as much as you want, and you won’t have to worry about someone absconding with your device or camera.

Additionally, you can have someone who will hold your belongings while you use the restroom or any other thing. Whatever the case, always go with people who enjoy music. You can also go with family members or someone special to make the concert more interesting and unforgettable.

Sleep Well

Concerts are plainly about high energy. So you’re advised that you sleep well before you attend. You’ll be able to recharge and garner the strength to sing and shout during the event. Concerts are interesting not only because the artists are fine singers or great musicians. The audience plays a vital role too. The audience needs to respond, sing along, shout, dance, and do a couple of extra activities to keep the mood alive. So, sleep well, especially if it will be an overnight event. Getting good sleep will help you expand your energy without getting tired quickly. Besides, you need to stay awake to enjoy the concert. Never attend a musical concert after a long and tiring day. Else, you will end up not enjoying the concert as you would if you were well-rested and properly energized.

Wear Comfortable Clothes

A rule of thumb when attending a music concert is to wear a comfortable dress. While you like fancy dresses, you may want to save them for another time. This is not to say you shouldn’t look good at music shows; however, tone down the fashion a bit. Music concerts are not fashion events, so wear something comfortable and free. Put on a cloth that will allow you to raise your hands and dance freely. Depending on the weather, choose a cloth that will help you stay comfortable; if it’s summer, choose a light cloth because the arena may be hot if there’s a crowd.

Eat Well and Don’t Take Too Much Water

Excitement is a good feeling, yet, it may make you lose your appetite. Before the concert, make sure you eat. Concerts can take hours and will definitely require energy. If you do not eat, you may find it difficult to enjoy the show. So, endeavour to eat before you leave home. If you can’t, get a meal near the event or at the venue if there is a provision for that. However, don’t overeat to avoid discomfort. And this also means you shouldn’t take too much water. Excess water intake can make you pee excessively. And since music concerts are often crowded, movement may be limited or difficult. If you wanted to pee just once, that might not be a problem. But when you have to go to the restroom multiple times, then moving through the crowd might be a challenge you will find daunting. In fact, you’ll end up disturbing people around you, especially when you are positioned close to the front area or right in the middle of the hall.

Use Your Eyes More than Your Phone

In this era of mobile devices, many people get carried away with recording the events they forget to participate in. Do not let your phone disturb you. Don’t be at a music concert in person and still watch the events through the screens. While it’s good to keep memories of the events and take lovely pictures and short clips, do well to put your phone aside and enjoy the experience. Let your eyes see,  your ears listen,  and sing along as you wish. The point is to enjoy the atmosphere naturally and not through your phone as if it’s a streamed event.

There you have it! As you plan your next or first music concert, keep these helpful tips in mind.