Today we have compiled instructions for those who are going to go to your first concert. The tips are universal for visiting events of any genre.
So, you have the cherished ticket, and just a few days later you will debut by attending a concert.
Dress Style
Any concert is “going out in public”, respectively, you want to look great, but not always a good look is combined with comfort, but this is the first thing you should think about, going to the concert. If, of course, you bought a ticket to the VIP-lounge and you’re going to spend the whole concert sitting in a chair, then of course you can dress up in a dress and a tuxedo. But if you decide to spend the evening on the dance floor, it is advisable to avoid heels, long dresses and any clothes, restricting movement, unless of course you then plan to visit a casino, watch the roulette table and cheer for his winnings. Ideally, if you wear sneakers or sneakers, jeans (or better yet pants with tight pockets), a T-shirt and a sweatshirt that can be removed at any time and tie it to the belt. Trust me, even if it’s freezing outside and not too warm, it’s going to be hot in a club.
Avoid bulky and expensive jewelry, unless you plan to turn off the road on the way to the concert and still arrange a game of baccarat in the best casino in your city. Anyway, a concert is a great crowd of unfamiliar people, and who knows what or who your precious addition to the closet can get caught on, and this is fraught with both injury and loss of favorite things.
Obligatory Snack
Even though concerts usually last 1.5, 2 hours tops, you’ll have to spend a total of about 4 hours at the event. First, you will have to stand in line at the entrance, go through the entry team (checking tickets, inspection), perhaps there will be a queue at the checkroom. According to all the rules of a good concert, the exit of the artists is later. It can be delayed by 10-20 minutes, or an hour and a half. And if you add a warm-up performance, it’s even more plus an hour. Exiting the club can also take about 30 minutes. What’s our point? The point is try to get something to eat before the concert, or instead of enjoying the music you’ll have to swallow hungry drool and think about a sandwich. Or that you’ll have to walk for a week because you ordered food at the club.
Expensive things to your wallet and heart
In addition to expensive jewelry, it’s advisable to leave any other valuable items at home so they don’t get stolen and get lost in the crowd by flying out of your bag or clothes.
Now comes the important point about the ticket. We want, of course, to boast about the acquisition of a ticket to the concert of an idol. But do not rush to put it on the social network for all to see, because it’s very good bait for crooks. And if so eager, then do not “shine” in any case, a bar code! The same goes for e-tickets. Also don’t buy tickets NEVER from hand! None! Almost at every concert there are people who bought a ticket from a stranger, which can’t be used to get to the concert. And they have to either go home upset or buy a ticket at the box office at a higher price than in the presale.
Creativity of the performer
It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the artist’s work in advance. This point may seem ridiculous to those who clearly understand which performer they are taking a ticket to. However, some people go for company and are frankly bored at the event and do not understand what they are doing there.

Have your passport with you just in case. It may come in handy when buying some drinks at the bar and in case of emergencies.
Bags and backpacks
Do not carry large bags and backpacks. This annoys people around, and you will not be able to dance to your favorite music with a big load on your shoulders. Try to pack everything you need in a small handbag, or better yet, cram it in flap pockets. In order to become part of the story, which includes the concert you are attending, ask in advance if a flash mob is being organized. This is your chance to take part in a common cause and get an extra dose of positive emotions.
Not everyone can stand loud music for a long time, so at least for the first concert take care of earplugs. You may not need them, but they may save your ears.
Don’t try to sneak food/drinks in. They will take it away at the door anyway. They will also take away stabbing and cutting objects, firecrackers, glass, and medicine unless you have a certificate of necessity.
At the end of the day, think about what you want from the concert and make your preparations accordingly. We are sure that our universal tips will help everyone who is just starting to get acquainted with the concert-festival culture!